Volume 36 , 2011

Editorial Jean-Paul Muller (1927 - 2011) in memoriam i
Lochak G. A new electromagnetism based on 4 photons: electric, magnetic, with spin 1 and spin 0. Part II: graviton 1
Fabbri L. Geometrical Properties and Propagation for the Proca Field Theory 19
Leifer P., Massalha T. "Field-shell" of the self-interacting quantum electron 29
Krüger H. On the fallacies of Yvon-Takabayasi approaches to Dirac theory and their rectification 53
Osche G. R. Electron channeling resonance and de Broglie’s internal clock 61
Pandey S. K. , Chakravarti R. S. The Dirac Equation through Geometric Algebra: some implications 73
Boudet R. La masse négative et l'énergie positive des antiparticules 79
Mastrocinque G. Mechanics and Thermodynamics of the "Bernoulli'' oscillators (uni-dimensional closed motions). Part I : Historical review and recent assessments 91
Gondran M., Gondran A. Discerned and non-discerned particles in classical mechanics and convergence of quantum mechanics to classical mechanics 117
Oudet X. Quantum State and Periodicity 137
Mastrocinque G. Mechanics and Thermodynamics of the "Bernoulli'' oscillators (uni-dimensional closed motions). Part II : Solved examples and classical limit 159
Wahlin L. Atomic orbit energies: an alternative calculation deduced from
the theories of Einstein, Mach and de Broglie
Lochak G. A propos de la catastrophe du Japon: quelques remarques sur l’industrie nucléaire 187
Daviau C. Note de lecture: R. Boudet, Quantum Mechanics in the Geometry of Space-Time 195

Comité de rédaction

Instructions aux auteurs
Instructions to authors

Annales de la Fondation Louis de Broglie