Volume 42 numéro 1, 2017

Special issue on "Quantum Rogue Waves as Emerging Quantum Events''

Durt T., Fargue D., Willox R. Introduction 1
Fargue D. Louis de Broglie's "double solution'', a promising but unfinished theory 9
Colin S., Durt T., Willox R. L. de Broglie's double solution program: 90 years later 19
Durt T. L. de Broglie's double solution and self-gravitation 73
Drezet A. How to justify Born's rule using the pilot wave theory of de Broglie? 103
Efthymiopoulos C., Contopoulos G., Tzemos A.C. Chaos in de Broglie - Bohm quantum mechanics and the dynamics of quantum relaxation 133
Borghesi C. Dualité onde-corpuscule formée par une masselotte oscillante dans un milieu élastique : étude théorique et similitudes quantiques 161
Robert J. L. de Broglie waves: a particular solution 197
Matzkin A. The theory of the Double Solution: Dynamical issues in quantum systems in the semiclassical regime 213

Comité de rédaction

Instructions aux auteurs
Instructions to authors

Annales de la Fondation Louis de Broglie