Volume 43 numéro 1, 2018

Editorial Au plaisir de Jean d'Ormesson i
Schilling O. F. A unified phenomenological description for the magnetodynamic origin of mass for leptons and for the complete baryon octet and decuplet 1
Borghi C. A new operational definition of internal time 11
Drezet A. Brownian motion in the pilot wave interpretation of de Broglie and relaxation to quantum equilibrium 23
Robert J. "Schrödinger's Purloined Hypothesis'' 51
Hatifi M., Lopez-Fortin C., Durt T. de Broglie's double solution: limitations of the self-gravity approach 63
Clauzon P., Fargue D. Karatchentzeff M., de Lachèze-Murel G., Marizy A. Décharges électriques dans l'eau, bilans d'énergie 91
Engelhardt W. Classical and Relativistic Derivation of the Sagnac Effect - answer to Sfarti's paper 103

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Annales de la Fondation Louis de Broglie