Volume 44, 2019

  Editorial i
Lochak G. Le monopôle leptonique comme toupie symétrique 1
Weikert M., Tajmar M. Investigation of the Influence of a field-free electrostatic Potential on the Electron Mass with Barkhausen-Kurz Oscillation 23
Chashchina O., Dudisheva N., Silagadze Z.K. Voigt transformations in retrospect: missed opportunities? 39
Assis A. K. T. , Tajmar M. Rotation of a Superconductor Due to Electromagnetic Induction Using Weber's Electrodynamics 111
Dikshit B. Divergence free self-interaction of particles with spin in quantum field theory 125
Caltagirone J.-P. Physique discrète et relativité 135
Chubykalo A., Onoochin V. On the ambiguity of solutions of the system of the Maxwell equations 147
Daviau C., Bertrand J. Le monopôle magnétique dans le modèle standard 163
Cohen-Tannoudji G. The de Broglie’ universal substratum, the Lochak’ monopoles and the dark universe 187

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Annales de la Fondation Louis de Broglie