H. Bottolier-Curtet |
Effets Nucléaires Inconnus et Compositions Isotopiques Anormales |
1067 |
J. Dufour, D. Murat, X. Dufour, J. Fos |
Exothermic reaction induced by high density current in metals - Possible nuclear origin |
1081 |
Jean-Paul Biberian |
1095 |
M. Porringa |
1109 |
M.Rambaut |
1131 |
L.I. Urutskoev |
Review of experimental results on low-energy transfor-mation of nucleus |
1149 |
G. Lochak |
Un lepton magnétique capable d'intervenir dans les interactions faibles |
1165 |
N.G. Ivoilov, L.I. Urutskoev |
The influence of "strange" radiation on Mössbauer spectrum of Fe57 in metallic foils |
1177 |
D.V. Filippov, L.I. Urutskoev |
1187 |
D.V. Filippov, A.A. Rukhadze, L.I. Urutskoev |
Effects of atomic electrons on nuclear stability and radio-active decay |
1207 |
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