Colloquium of physics (16-17/03/2010)
Magnetic monopoles and the foundations of modern physics
Colloquium of physics, 16th & 17th March 2010
Magnetic monopoles and the foundations of modern physics
New directions in physics, Jean-François Geneste, EADS The symmetry between electricity and magnetism and the equation of a leptonic monopole, Georges Lochak, Fondation Louis de Broglie
“Strange radiation” and Lochak’s leptonic magnetic monopole, Leonid Urutskoiev, Institut Kourtchatov
Chirality, Unified Spinorial Theory and Magnetic Monopoles, Dominique Spehler, UDS/IPHC Physique théorique Strasbourg
Hunting for monopoles in spin ice, Peter Holdsworth, ENS Lyon
On publication of “The selected scientific works of Louis de Broglie in 4 volumes” in Russian, Alexandra Smyk, Université des Arts graphiques Moscou
Deviation from secular equilibrium under laser explosure in uranium salt, Anri Rukhadze, A.M. Prokhorov general physics institute of the Russian academy of sciences
Space-Time duality, Pierre Poubeau, EADS
monopoles magnétiques et accélérateurs, Maurice Bergher, fondation Louis de Broglie
Properties of magnetic radiations, Nicolas Ivoïlov, Faculté des sciences de Kazan
Traces on films induced by powder resulting from electrical explosion of a titanium fuse in water, Didier Priem, Claude Daviau, Guillaume Racineux, Ecole Centrale de Nantes
Symmetry breaking by electric discharges in fluids and generation of light magnetic monopoles, Harald Stumpf
Quantum theory of extended particles, entangled solitons and Einstein-Podolski-Rosen correlation, Yuri Rybakov, Université de l’amitié entre les peuples
The symmetry between electricity and magnetism and the equation of a leptonic monopole (2), Georges Lochak, Fondation Louis de Broglie
A pace towards communications quicker than the speed of light, Jean-François Geneste, EADS
Une nouvelle théorie du monopôle magnétique, avec un aperçu sur les effets physiques, chimiques, biologiques et nucléaires, Lochak G.
Experimental observation and analysis of action of light magnetic monopoles on multilayer surfaces, Adamenko S.V., Vysotskii V.I.
Structure of the photon and magnetic field induced birefringence and dichroism, Beswick J.A., Rizzo C.
An update on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science (cold fusion), Bibérian J.P., Armamet N.
On the electromagnetism's invariance, Daviau C.
Metastable plasma structures in knotted magnetic field, Donoso J.
Experimental observation compatible with the particle internal clock in a channeling experiment, M.Gouanère, M.Spighel, N.Cue, M.J.Gaillard, R.Genre, R.Kirsch, J.C.Poizat, J.Remillieux, P.Catillon, L.Roussel
Possibility of a modification of time life of radioactive elements by magnetic monopoles, Kostenko B.F., Yuriev M.Z.
"Photons électriques'' et "Photons magnétiques'', un renouvellement possible de la théorie du champ unitaire d’Einstein, Lochak G.
Explosion électrique d’un fil de titane dans de l’eau en milieu confiné, Priem D., Racineux G., Lochak G., Daviau C., Fargue D., Karatchentzeff M., Lehn H
Biological effects of factors associated with explosions of titanium foil in condensed media, Pryakhin E.A., Urutskoyev L.I., Tryapitsina G.A., Akleyev A.V.
Discharges in fluids as a possible source of Electric and Magnetic Electroweak Bosons, Stumpf H.
Electromagnetic knots and the magnetic flux in superconductors, Trueba J.L.
Symmetry and its consequences: from Pierre Curie to transdisciplinarity, Wolkowski Z.W.
Louis de Broglie sa conception du monde physique, G. Lochak
La Physique Française avant Louis de Broglie, C. Kojima
Generalized de Broglie-Bargmann-Wigner Equations, a Modern Formulation of de Broglie's Fusion Theory, H. Stumpf
Réflexions sur l'espace et le temps, en physique classique et quantique, J. Reignier
Recent advances in electron optics and electron microscopy, P. Hawkes
Electron interferometry: Interferences between two electrons and a precision method of measuring decoherence, F. Hasselbach, H. Kiesel, P. Sonnentag
Effets Nucléaires Inconnus et Compositions Isotopiques Anormales, H. Bottolier-Curtet
Exothermic reaction induced by high density current in metals - Possible nuclear origin, J. Dufour, D. Murat, X. Dufour, J. Fos
Condensed Matter Nuclear Science : Cold Fusion, Jean-Paul Biberian
Low Energy Induced Nuclear Fusion Via Coherence Of The Quantum Vacuum, Zero-Point Energy Through Ultra Close Range Casimir Effects, M. Porringa
Electron Clusters and Nuclear Fusion, M.Rambaut
Review of experimental results on low-energy transfor-mation of nucleus, L.I. Urutskoev
Un lepton magnétique capable d'intervenir dans les interactions faibles, G. Lochak
The influence of "strange" radiation on Mössbauer spectrum of Fe57 in metallic foils, N.G. Ivoilov, L.I. Urutskoev
On the possibility of nuclear transformation in low-temperature plasma from the viewpoint of conservation laws, D.V. Filippov, L.I. Urutskoev
Effects of atomic electrons on nuclear stability and radio-active decay, D.V. Filippov, A.A. Rukhadze, L.I. Urutskoev